Podiatrist LP

(215) 927-2837
  • Philadelphia, PA - 1335 W. Tabor Road 19141
  • Jenkintown, PA - 261 Old York Road 19046
  • (215) 927-2837 | Philadelphia, PA - 1335 W. Tabor Road
  • 215-927-2837 | Jenkintown, PA - 261 Old York Road

Visit Philadelphia Podiatrist, Dr. Rettig

Schedule An Appointment Today


When you visit our podiatry practice, you will experience a high-level of patient care. Our goal is to provide you with proper treatment and diagnosis in a comfortable and professional environment.

Our entire staff is committed to improving the health of your feet, ankles, and lower legs. As experts in the field of podiatry, we are able to provide you with comprehensive exams and diagnostic analyses of your condition. We also offer innovative treatments for injuries, diseases, and other conditions of your feet, ankles, and lower legs.

Meet Dr. Rettig :)

Dr Rettig celebrates 35 years of providing care to the North and Northwest Philadelphia Community in his main office next to Einstein Hospital.  He also maintains a 'satellite' office to serve Northeast Philadelphia, Cheltenham, Abington, Rockledge and other Easter Montgomery county communities.  He has been the Chief of the Podiatry Division, Albert Einstein Medical Center for 15 years.

Dr Rettig graduated from the Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine in 1980, then did a residency in Hawthorne, California.  He is Past President of the Philadelphia County Podiatric Medical Society, and is currently active on the board of the Pennsylvania Podiatric Medical Association.  He is past Residency Director as well as Department Chief of Podiatry at the former J.F.Kennedy Memorial Hospital.
He is board certified in Foot and Ankle Surgery (Diplomate)  and is a former Fellow of the American Foot and Ankle Society.
If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Rettig and see how you can end foot pain, fill out our contact form or call our dental office to schedule an appointment.

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Experienced Care

Combining the latest technology with compassion and dedication to deliver care you can trust.
